Maureen Neihart

Peak Performance for Smart Kids

Strategies and Tips for Ensuring School Success. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 200 Seiten
ISBN 1618213210
EAN 9781618213211
Veröffentlicht April 2008
Verlag/Hersteller Prufrock Press

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Peak Performance for Smart Kids provides success strategies, activities, tools, real-life examples, and checklists for parents to employ to help their kids achieve to their highest potential. Even the most talented child will not succeed if he or she has not developed the mental, psychological, and emotional skills to face the heavy demands of high performance. Maureen Neihart, a psychologist and leading authority on talent development in children, examines seven mental habits of successful kids, providing practical approaches for developing them in talented children of all ages in this easy-to-read guide for parents and teachers.
By working with parents to complete the activities included in this book, high-ability kids will learn to manage stress and anxiety, set and achieve goals, use mental rehearsal to improve performance, manage their moods and emotions, practice optimistic thinking, and resolve their frustrations of needing to belong while needing to achieve. With its research-based strategies and unique approach to maximizing potential, this is a book from which every parent of smart kids can benefit!


Dr. Maureen Neihart is Associate Professor of Psychological Studies at the National Institute of Education, Singapore.

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