Max Mason Hunter

Haunted Stories: Cue the Nightmares: True Scary Stories for Midnight Reading

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386895989
EAN 9781386895985
Veröffentlicht April 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Max Mason Hunter
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Haunted Stories: Cue the Nightmares: True Scary Stories for Midnight Reading - BOX SET
Despite the advent of science and technology that helps us understand the 'how's' and the 'whys' of things, the universe still offers a colossal variety of mysteries that humans are still yet to explore and understand.
Having said that, the standard mysteries, those which have perplexed humanity from the very beginning, continue to do so. Strange creatures and things fall, at times slowly, from rather unknown sources; people walk over glowing trenches of hot coals, encounter monsters in mountains and lakes, are subject to strange coincidences, so on and so forth.
History has many disturbing episodes that few of us would care to experience ourselves. So many of these stories are sad but true. Sometimes, after such incidents, dark and evil energies remain in these places of horror for decades to come, haunting all that come near.
Over the years, I have learnt, read and write about these unexplained mysteries, and one thing I have understood is that the nature of our existence and the world are quite different from that which we learned when we were young. The reality is more large, fascinating and expansive than any rational, scientific or religious view can perhaps accommodate.
Remember, explanations are just temporary, going on and off in response to fads and fashions. However, the happenings they are supposed to explain carry on as mysteriously as ever.

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