Max Miller

I Cover the Waterfront

Stories from the San Diego Shore. Proprietary. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 208 Seiten
ISBN 1632200023
EAN 9781632200020
Veröffentlicht September 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Skyhorse Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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"Distinctive, original, fresh in in tone and manner, with a quaint whimsicality of feeling and expression.”-The New York Times
Life on the Western waterfront has always fascinated Max Miller, a special reporter for the San Diego Sun. Embraced by all the waterfront folk, he has joined them on their cruises, has learned the mystery of their crafts, and knows them like brothers.
Max himself has become a part of the waterfront. Not a fishing boat ties up to the wharf without Max Miller getting the story. Not a submarine comes in nor an airplane soars out over the water without Max Miller's being invited to go. He is one of the first men to climb up the ladder of the Pacific lines, especially when celebrities are aboard.
A combination of newspaper reporter, philosopher, and poet, the author writes his charming sketches in his "studio” upstairs in the tugboat office, where he can look out over his domain. But reporting is not simply a job with Max Miller; it is the greatest pleasure of his life. He delights in setting down his impressions of the Western shore, where life is a constant flux and reflux, seasonal, immutable, and yet ever exciting-the departure of the sardine fleet, the hunt for elephant seals for the zoo, the sailing of the California fruit liners.
I Cover the Waterfront was first published in the early 1930s and has since gone on to become a classic. It is as memorable for its unique stories as it is for its individual style-so keenly sensitive to the personalities of men and to the romantic environment of the harbor and deep-sea life.


Max Miller was a reporter for the San Diego Sun and, after the publication of I Cover the Waterfront, a prolific author who wrote about the military, Southern California, and Baja California. He lived in La Jolla with his wife and died in 1967.

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