Maya Talia Rivers

Sunlight, Shadows, Murder: Barcelona & Valencia

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230816478
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Sunlight, Shadows, Murder
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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A Dead Man, A Forgotten Secret, and a Conspiracy Too Big to Bury
Barcelona, a city of sun-drenched boulevards and deep, winding alleys, hides more than just history in its shadows. Martina Ferrer, a driven manager at a high-profile tech firm, never imagined her world would shatter in a single night—until she steps into her apartment and finds a lifeless body sprawled on her living room floor. The victim isn't just anyone; he's Mateo Garriga, a man linked to an environmental whistleblower whose name was lost in the depths of corporate suppression.
What begins as a shocking crime scene turns into a harrowing descent into deception, murder, and cover-ups spanning two of Spain's most vibrant cities—Barcelona and Valencia. As Martina reluctantly becomes entangled in the investigation, she uncovers links between the victim and a long-buried scandal involving farmland expansions, corporate greed, and lethal hush money.
A Decade-Old Murder That Was Never Supposed to Surface
Years ago, Artur Llorens, an outspoken activist, tried to expose illegal toxic dumping under the guise of farmland development. He was silenced—his death classified as an accident, his warnings erased. But the more Martina digs, the more she realizes that Llorens's voice was never entirely silenced; it was buried beneath layers of corruption, corporate influence, and ruthless enforcers willing to kill to keep their secrets hidden.
Elena Hernandez, Llorens's daughter, has spent years searching for answers about her father's death. When she crosses paths with Martina, their combined determination ignites a fight they never anticipated. What starts as a search for truth quickly turns into a deadly race—one that powerful figures in Barcelona and Valencia will do anything to stop.
A High-Stakes Thriller of Corporate Crimes, Hidden Truths, and an Unstoppable Woman Who Refuses to Back Down
With the help of Detective Sabina Beltrán, a relentless investigator determined to crack the case, Martina and Elena begin to trace a path that connects farmland expansions, corporate sabotage, and a decade-long cover-up engineered to keep the public in the dark. But their pursuit of justice doesn't go unnoticed. Someone is watching, waiting, ready to strike.
Every clue leads to more danger, more lies, and a conspiracy that stretches further than they ever imagined. As Martina moves between Barcelona's sleek corporate offices and Valencia's rural outskirts, she realizes that uncovering the truth might mean risking everything—including her own life.
Because some secrets weren't meant to be found.
For Fans of Fast-Paced, High-Tension Thrillers
Sunlight, Shadows, Murder: Barcelona & Valencia blends the beauty of Spain's historic cities with the brutality of corruption, creating a thriller that will keep you turning pages long into the night.
🔹 Two Cities, One Deadly Cover-Up – From Barcelona's sunlit avenues to Valencia's agricultural fields, the truth is hidden in plain sight.
🔹 A Relentless Female Lead – Martina Ferrer isn't a cop or a journalist—she's an ordinary woman thrust into an extraordinary fight for justice.
🔹 Shocking Twists and Unpredictable Turns – What seems like a simple crime spirals into a deep, dangerous mystery with global stakes.
🔹 A Murder That Was Never Meant to Be Solved – Artur Llorens tried to warn the world. Now, it's up to Martina and Elena to finish what he started.

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