Megan Miller

Minecrafter Engineer: Awesome Mob Grinders and Farms

Contraptions for Getting the Loot. Empfohlen ab 8 Jahre. Not for Online. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 128 Seiten
ISBN 1510737707
EAN 9781510737709
Veröffentlicht Februar 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Sky Pony Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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You have your farms of cactus, wheat, melons, and sugarcane. You have some decent armor and a nice base. Now you need more. More blaze rods, more iron, more wither skeleton skulls, more gunpowder, more enchanted books, more everything! Minecrafter Engineer: Incredible Mob Grinders teaches kids how to build the incredible mob farms the experts use to increase their wealth and loot, from the witch farm to the iron golem trap. The Minecraft Engineer series is designed to encourage creativity and problem-solving skills in kids who love building in Minecraft. Each book helps players work within the physics of the game to build clever contraptions that add to their gaming experience. Guided by hundreds of in-game, step-by-step photos and simple instructions, kids will learn how to engineer one of many incredible mob grinders to yield resources and goodies beyond their wildest dreams. (Hundreds of chests to hold your booty not included.)

  • Perfect for beginner to advanced Minecrafters who want to learn more
  • Includes hundreds of step-by-step, full-color photos to guide readers of all ages
  • Helps encourage creativity and problem-solving skills You're not an expert gamer until you learn the tricks and tips in this book! Minecrafter Engineer holds the valuable secrets to becoming the Minecrafter engineer you've always wanted to be.

Megan Miller was born in Talara, Peru, and from there grew up in Miami, Barcelona, and the suburbs of London, England. She's also lived in Houston, Austin, NYC, the Hudson Valley, Kentucky, and finally New Mexico. She plays Minecraft daily, and has also spent many hours in the past with arcade game Centipede, the first Castle Wolfenstein shooters, the first color Mac space shooter Crystal Quest, The Sims, Sim City (1-3), City Skylines, Civilization, and more. You can contact her through her website, - (see you there!)

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