Melissa Perri

Escaping the Build Trap

How Effective Product Management Creates Real Value. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 200 Seiten
ISBN 1491973749
EAN 9781491973745
Veröffentlicht November 2018
Verlag/Hersteller O'Reilly Media
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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To stay competitive in todays market, organizations need to adopt a culture of customer-centric practices that focus on outcomes rather than outputs. Companies that live and die by outputs often fall into the &quote;build trap,&quote; cranking out features to meet their schedule rather than the customers needs.In this book, Melissa Perri explains how laying the foundation for great product management can help companies solve real customer problems while achieving business goals. By understanding how to communicate and collaborate within a company structure, you can create a product culture that benefits both the business and the customer. Youll learn product management principles that can be applied to any organization, big or small.In five parts, this book explores:Why organizations ship features rather than cultivate the value those features representHow to set up a product organization that scalesHow product strategy connects a companys vision and economic outcomes back to the product activitiesHow to identify and pursue the right opportunities for producing value through an iterative product frameworkHow to build a culture focused on successful outcomes over outputs


Melissa Perri believes the key to creating great products is growing great product leaders. As the CEO and founder of Produx Labs, she helps companies effectively scale their product organizations. Melissa also founded the online school Product Institute and started a program to train the next generation of Chief Product Officers. She is an internationally recognized, sought-after keynote speaker. Melissa graduated from Cornell University with a B.S. in Operations Research and Information Engineering.

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