Mette Kramer

Attachment Film, Emotion, and Cognition

ebook Ausgabe. 8 bw illus. Ebook (Epub & Mobi). Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 184 Seiten
ISBN 1501332988
EAN 9781501332982
Veröffentlicht 12. Dezember 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury Academic

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Attachment Film, Emotion, and Cognition is a bold intervention that seeks to center the bodily and affective dimensions of film traditionally regarded as "feminine".
The author uses attachment theory in an interdisciplinary framework with an emphasis on biology and a species-based understanding of pro-social behavior to approach films about attachment motivations.
By blending affective and cognitive neuroscience research with tendencies deeply embedded in the humanities, this book makes a major contribution to the field of cognitive film theory. The focus on attachment theory also makes a meta-generic address via its focus on romance and melodrama that makes it useful for other narratives that overlap affective and generic boundaries. The book presents a model of attachment-film experiences with its inbuilt shifts in affective and cognitive regulative processes and makes an ambitious case for how engagement with attachment film viewing can be understood from both a universal and an individual perspective.


Mette Kramer is a Danish scholar in film studies and cognitive psychology. She earned a PhD in film studies and cognitive psychology and has written on emotion, cognition and film in a number of articles. She is the co-author of Cognitive Theory and Documentary Film (2018) and is currently writing a book on the psychology of attachment style in romantic relationships.

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