Michael A. Susko

A Rosetta Key for Ancestral Pueblo History

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224696536
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller AllrOneofUs Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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This work applies generational mapping to the Ancestral Pueblo, using 15-year intervals. Distinct phases, found in other cultures, will be tested as to their applicability. They include: 1) "Invisible" Beginnings; 2) Establishment; 3) Novel Consolidation and Opening Up; 4) Crisis & Creativity; 5) Empire and Inclusion; and 6) Renewal or Rigidification? These findings will help the reader grasp the temporal flow of the Indigenous Southwest, which might otherwise be piecemeal and lack clarity. In addition to a useful mapping of time, the author brings an archetypal awareness to the patterns used in imagery and shows how it resonates with historical phases. We invite you to take a temporal journey into Pueblo times, to follow the evolution of their culture and cosmology, and to gain a sense of our solidarity with Indigenous peoples.


With an interest in interdisciplinary studies, the author majored in Philosophy and obtained a Masters in Counseling Psychology. He has taught college courses, including Archetypes in History, the History of Madness in Western Civilization, and Symbolism of Indigenous Cultures. In reading history over his lifetime, a generational scale has proven to be highly useful, and he wishes to share this work to make history accessible to all.

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