Michael Carr-Gregg, Sharon Witt

Starting Secondary School

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 240 Seiten
ISBN 1760894095
EAN 9781760894092
Veröffentlicht März 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Penguin eBooks
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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'We want to give you and your child the best opportunity to thrive in secondary school. By the end of this book you're going to feel a whole lot more capable of dealing with what Year 7 throws at you.'
The jump between primary and secondary school marks one of the biggest transitions in a student's life. It's the point at which a child leaves the relatively safe cocoon of childhood and enters the wide world of adolescence. For both parents and their children, it can be a huge shock, as they encounter a minefield of serious issues to deal with - everything from peer and study pressures to phones, parties and beyond.
In this invaluable resource for Australian families, bestselling authors Michael Carr-Gregg and Sharon Witt provide all the tools and information you need for entering this turbulent and testing time. With warmth and wisdom, they offer latest advice on the following:
· Choosing the right school for you
· Settling into secondary school
· Homework, study tips and tricks
· Coping with stress, anxiety and depression
· Social issues such as bullying and friendships
· Health and wellbeing, including the importance of sleep and diet
· Latest advice on mobile phones and technology
Starting secondary school is a whole lot more complex than it once was, but this invaluable resource will help your family face this major milestone armed with knowledge and confidence.


Michael Carr-Gregg (Author)
Dr Michael Carr-Gregg is an adolescent psychologist, a well-respected speaker and one of Australia's leading authorities on teenage behaviour. In 1985 he founded CanTeen, the acclaimed cancer patients' support group for teenagers in New Zealand and Australia.
Carr-Gregg has been a regular on Melbourne radio 3AW, the resident parenting expert on Channel 7's Sunrise and a regular on its Morning Show. He has written several bestselling books on parenting, including Surviving Adolescents, The Princess Bitchface Syndrome 2.0, Beyond Cyberbullying and When to Really Worry. He has also worked with organisations including Reach Out and beyondblue and has been the 'Agony Uncle' for Girlfriend magazine. He has won many awards for his work.
Sharon Witt (Author)
Sharon Witt has been immersed in teen world for almost three decades in her role as a secondary teacher, author and presenter to adolescents and their parents around the country.
She is a regular media commentator on issues impacting young people, parenting and educational issues. She also writes for a number of publications. Sharon is the author of 15 books written for young people to help guide them through many of the issues they face in early years, including the best-selling Teen Talk and Girlwise and Wiseguys series.
She is also the founder of the nationwide Resilient Kids Conference, a one-day conference aimed at equipping parents, educators and carers in building resilience in their children and teenagers.

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