Michael Graeme

The Road from Langholm Avenue

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1301855723
EAN 9781301855728
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2013
Verlag/Hersteller Michael Graeme
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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A story of unrequited love, of unexpected love, of love lost, and found again. With divorce and redundancy looming, our hero, Tom, is left facing middle age with the feeling he made a wrong turn somewhere in his past. Then, as if things aren't bad enough he's inexplicably haunted by memories of Rachel, a girl he had a crush on at school. With emotions bubbling up to the surface he realises the old business with Rachel has never really been forgotten and that before he can find a way through his crisis, he's going to have to journey back in search of his deepest past.
Tom sets out to find Rachel and, regardless of her circumstances, do the one thing he couldn't bring himself to do a quarter of a century ago: ask her on a date. But things don't quite go according to plan. Tom discovers a lot can change in twenty five years, but that some things remain exactly the same. And when it comes to the business of unrequited love, even those closest to him are not immune.
This is a full length novel - complete and free to read. It is not a teaser or a taster.


Michael Graeme is from the North West of England. He writes literary, romantic, mystical and speculative fiction.

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