Michael J. Jung

Make $1000+ a Month Selling Used Books Online WITHOUT Amazon: Easy Ways to Make Extra Money With Websites That Pay Cash for Books! (Sell Books Fast Online, #5)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386240346
EAN 9781386240341
Veröffentlicht Februar 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Michael J. Jung
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Want to learn how you can clear your bookshelves and turn your books into cash quickly, without going through the trouble of creating an online store?
Most people who want to sell used books online think they need to open their own online store on Amazon or eBay. While these websites are great online markets, they also make you compete against hundreds of identical book copies, making it hard to sell your books fast. Plus, once you make a sale, these websites take their commissions and fees before they pay you.
Fortunately, there's a much faster way anyone can use to make money from their used books - all with the help of a single website!
By using the easy methods in this book, you'll discover:- Dozens of little-known buyback websites that pay cash for your used books without charging extra fees!- How to compare price quotes so you can sell your books for the most money- Where to find books you can sell immediately for $10, $20, or $50 (or more!)- How to generate a constant stream of income selling books- Fast ways to make $200, $500, or even $1000+ selling books anytime you want!
Having sold books online since 2010 through both Amazon and alternate markets, I can confirm this system has not only let me escape the 9 to 5 job life but also allowed me to generate extra money for vacations or additional expenses whenever I want!
Whether you're a college student trying to re-sell your textbooks for the best price or a seasoned bookseller looking at expanding into new markets, this book is for you! Download your copy today!

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