Michael Palmer-Cryle

Hieronymus Jones and the Teacup Squid

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0648422445
EAN 9780648422440
Veröffentlicht Juli 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Sleepy Goblin Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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What does one do when a small cephalopod decides to make a nest in your cup of tea?
Hieronymus Jones is a peculiar boy with a spectacular mind. Extraordinarily intelligent, he has secrets, dark and deadly, wonderful and pure. Secrets of hidden worlds and lost civilizations, ones that were not entirely human. Secrets of magic.
When Hieronymus sees Gertrude Green for the first time, something tells him that she has secrets too. Together, they discover a connection, one that extends far deeper than either could have imagined. A connection that just might save the world.
Tea-dwelling squids, mysterious pendants, and school bullies are one thing. However, when an army of maliciously malformed unpleasantness threatens to tear the two young friends apart, it's clear the universe is against Hieronymus and Gertrude simply hiding away in the belltower to share their lunch in peace. Will they overcome all the obstacles in their way?
The first book in an urban fantasy romance series, awash with bleeding-edge technology, magic, humor, and hideous tentacle-laden, Lovecraftian nightmares. Start reading now to enter Hiero and Gerty's world today.


Michael Palmer-Cryle began writing at an early age and his first illustrated children's book, "the Punk Puss" was published in the pages of his hometown newspaper when he was ten years of age. it was dreadful and embarrasses him deeply to this day, you will never be allowed to see it... ever. with the mortification of that event behind him, he now focuses on young adult fantasy fiction, as well as illustrated children's books. His debut novel 'Hieronymus Jones and the teacup squid' is available now and book two will be released soon. Michael is an independent (indie) author, publishing under the imprint of Sleepy Goblin Press. Michael lives in Brisbane, Australia with his partner and two cats

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