Michael Paul Fuller

The Bad Poet

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1311492763
EAN 9781311492760
Veröffentlicht März 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Michael Paul Fuller
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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You never know about people. Human predictability is the singular thing that mathematicians and scientists cannot calculate with 100% accuracy. The human chemistry ebbs and flows from second to second where only one thing is certain, and that is unpredictability. Just as in one's own decision making, where life's twist and turns will eventually dictate your final decision, sometimes even when you know it is the wrong choice. The time an individual spends on earth is as small as a tiny pebble tumbling down the Grand Canyon. We should spend it as wisely as possible by measuring each day, hour, minute and second given to us. Life is a fleeting spirit and with each breath worthy of congratulations as it is given only by the grace of God. We must cherish it, and nurture every moment as our transitory time marches to an end. An end that man has been studying, writing songs, creating stories about and trying to beat, since the beginning of his existence.
The tragedy of 9-11 changed many things for Americans that will never be the same. In the cloudy days soon thereafter, Carla King's husband disappeared without a trace and she was left with their daughter to survive. After their divorce, she was living a mundane life one day at a time when one night while out with friends, she runs into Cutino Grigsby, her mister right. From the start, time spent with Cutino was adventurous and lustful, gregarious and fanciful free. They danced the Marengo on the Bay of Biscay and flew with the doves over mountains of joy. Their impromptu travels to faraway places and gifts from Cutino blinded her from any negative judgments about him. His physical appearance was striking and his confidence brought her security and made Carla take a note of admiration. But it is his deceit that teaches her the most, as her renaissance man will bring changes into her life that she never anticipates. She must hang on for the ride towards a crossroad of life which could land her in deep water, or even her demise.


Michael P. Fuller was born in Evanston, Illinois and received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and Sociology in 1977 from Southern Illinois University. He lives in Atlanta, Georgia with his wife and 2 daughters.
Sometime in the mid 90's, I started creatively writing fiction. I guess it was Richard Wright 'Native Son' and believe it or not, Steven King's 'Stand' that may have inspired me to jot down my first untrained ideas. A story would begin without knowing where the characters and plot or lack thereof would end up, which to me was the most exciting part of the creative process.
After some time had passed, my first manuscript was complete, which I never read again. Instead, I threw it in a drawer unedited and unread by anyone. I wrote and finished another story and again tossed it into the drawer of no return. I continued my story telling letting the characters, times and places drive my way through the story writing process while piling story on top of story in the drawer of no return.
So what was it? Why did I continue to write? I wasn't trying to make a name for myself as an author or try to become wealthy, but for me it was just the time I spend alone in my writer's closet with not a soul to direct my path. I could close my eyes, then bend and twist the story to go and do anything.
Now, we've finally come to this. 'Chronicles of a Nappi Head.' It is my first independently published book.

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