Mick Herron

Joe Country

The bestselling thrillers that inspired the hit Apple TV+ show Slow Horses (Slough House Thriller 6). Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1473657474
EAN 9781473657472
Veröffentlicht Juni 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Baskerville
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
6,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

*Soon to be a TV series starring Oscar-award winning actor Gary Oldman as Jackson Lamb*
'The new king of the spy thriller' Mail on Sunday
'Razor-sharp prose, fully formed characters and an underlying pathos make this series the most exciting development in spy fiction since the Cold War' The Times
'We're spies,' said Lamb. 'All kinds of outlandish shit goes on.'
In Slough House memories are stirring, all of them bad. Catherine Standish is buying booze again, Louisa Guy is raking over the ashes of lost love, and new recruit Lech Wicinski, whose sins make him outcast even among the slow horses, is determined to discover who destroyed his career, even if he tears his life apart in the process.
And with winter taking its grip Jackson Lamb would sooner be left brooding in peace, but even he can't ignore the dried blood on his carpets. So when the man responsible breaks cover at last, Lamb sends the slow horses out to even the score.
This time, they're heading into joe country. And they're not all coming home.
'Mick Herron is fast becoming the go-to author for British espionage, and the sixth novel in his Slough House series, Joe Country, is up to his usual high standard' Guardian
'As a master of wit, satire, insight... Herron is difficult to overpraise' Daily Telegraph
'Irresistible writing ... ironclad storytelling and off-kilter humour' Financial Times
'Mick Herron's novels are a satirical chronicle of modern Britain . . . in their gleefully shocking way, his books reflect the trajectory of the nation' Economist


Mick Herron

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