Migrants and Refugees in Europe

Work Integration in Comparative Perspective. First Edition. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 174 Seiten
ISBN 144736452X
EAN 9781447364528
Veröffentlicht Januar 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Policy Press

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EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. The motivations of migrants for travelling to Europe vary, and the quality of the processes involved in their settlement and contribution to social and economic development are inextricably linked to their prospects of finding and sustaining good-quality work. This book explores the labour market integration of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers across seven European countries: the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Italy, Switzerland and the UK. Using empirical data from the Horizon2020 SIRIUS Project, it investigates how legal, political, social and personal circumstances combine to determine the work trajectory for migrants who choose Europe as their home.


Simone Baglioni is Professor of Sociology in the Department of Economics and Management at the University of Parma. He was the PI and coordinator of the EU funded Sirius project.
Francesca Calò is Lecturer in Management in the Department of Public Leadership and Social Enterprise at The Open University. She was the UK researcher and project manager of the EU funded Sirius project.

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