Mike Bartlett

King Charles III (West End Edition) (NHB Modern Plays)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 122 Seiten
ISBN 1780015046
EAN 9781780015040
Veröffentlicht September 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Nick Hern Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Mike Bartlett's controversial 'future history play' explores the people beneath the crowns, the unwritten rules of our democracy, and the conscience of Britain's most famous family.
Queen Elizabeth II is dead. After a lifetime of waiting, her son ascends the throne. A future of power. But how to rule?
Drawing on the style and structure of a Shakespearean history play, King Charles III opened at London's Almeida Theatre, directed by its Artistic Director Rupert Goold, in 2014, before transferring to the West End.
'outstanding and provocative' the most spectacular, gripping and wickedly entertaining piece of lese-majeste that British theatre has ever seen' - Telegraph
'bold, brilliant and unstoppably entertaining' an intelligent, empathetic, moving look at the power and limitations of the modern monarchy' theatre doesn't get much better than this' - The Times
'extraordinary' a meaty, hilarious, dizzyingly audacious state of the nation political thriller' - Time Out
'royally entertaining' raises fascinating questions about the future of the monarchy' - Guardian

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