Cuba - Mike Gonzalez

Mike Gonzalez


1. Auflage. Ebook (PDF). Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 8.
pdf eBook , 288 Seiten
ISBN 0755642090
EAN 9780755642090
Veröffentlicht April 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury UK

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A literary guide to one of the most fascinating countries in the world.
With its flamboyant style and rich culture, Cuba has provided the inspiration and setting for literature for decades. It has always been one of the most compelling places in the world, though perhaps never more so than now.
Following Raúl Castro's resignation as President in 2018, the era of Castroism has come to an end, and the US-Cuba rapprochement has opened the country to a generation of Americans whose only previous exposure was through film and literature. The coming years will undoubtedly bring significant changes to a country that has in many ways been frozen in time.
Cuba: A Literary Guide for Travellers takes the literary-minded traveller (either in person or in an armchair) on a vivid and illuminating journey, retracing the footsteps of writers and artists who have lived and worked in, or been inspired by, the history and landscape of Cuba. This literary guide challenges some firmly-held Western assumptions about the country, and shines a light on one of the richest and most deeply embedded literary cultures in the world.


Mike Gonzalez is an historian, literary critic and is emeritus professor of Latin American Studies at the University of Glasgow. He writes extensively on Latin America and is the author of The Gathering of Voices: The Twentieth Century Poetry of Latin America, Che Guevara and the Cuban Revolution, Tango: Sex and Rhythm of the City, A Rebel's Guide to Marx and Barcelona: A Literary Guide for Travellers.


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