Mimi Doe, Michele A. Hernandez

Don't Worry, You'll Get In

100 Winning Tips for Stress-Free College Admissions. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0786739290
EAN 9780786739295
Veröffentlicht April 2009
Verlag/Hersteller Da Capo Lifelong Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
6,99 inkl. MwSt.
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With more teenagers applying to college today than ever before, the competition has never been stiffer, and the stress can become unbearable not just for teens, but for the entire family.
In Don't Worry, You'll Get In, one of the country's top college admissions counselors Michele Hernandez and leading parenting expert Mimi Doe join forces to bring teens the first college admissions guide of its kind: an easy and accessible book full of 100 specific tips to navigate the admissions process successfully and calmly. For each step, Hernandez explains to teens in simple terms exactly what they need to do, while Mimi Doe empowers them to tackle that step with confidence and in the least stressful way. Covering everything from standardized testing to summer plans to writing a great essay, Don't Worry, You'll Get In is the perfect guide for high schoolers who want to be accepted at the school of their choice without burning out for the sake of getting in.


Michele A. Hernandez, Ed.D., president and founder of Hernandez College Consulting, is one of America's leading experts in selective college admissions and counseling services and has been featured in hundreds of newspapers, magazines, radio and television programs including Newsweek, Bloomberg, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, Atlantic Monthly, the Today Show, CNN, and MSNBC. Hernandez is the former assistant director of admissions for Dartmouth College and the author of three books, including the bestselling A is for Admission. She lives with her family outside Portland, Oregon.
Mimi Doe, the author of the award-winning Ten Principles for Spiritual Parenting and Busy but Balanced, inspires thousands of parents across the country each year with her personalized workshops and her popular website SpiritualParenting.com. Seen on Oprah and heralded as "a parenting guru" by Ladies Home Journal, Doe is featured in weekly segments on The Hallmark Channel's New Morning TV, and her work has appeared in publications including Child, Parenting, McCalls, Family Circle, Redbook, Reader's Digest, Publisher's Weekly, USA Today, The London Independent, Christian Science Monitor and the Washington Post. Doe holds a Master's degree in education from Harvard University and lives with her family in Concord, Massachusetts.

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