Misty Reigenborn

Better Left Unsaid (Twist of Fate, #2)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1465853103
EAN 9781465853103
Veröffentlicht März 2012
Verlag/Hersteller Misty Reigenborn
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Kimber Stone forgave her husband Luke for the affair that he had with his ex Sierra. Not long after Luke returned home to his family, Kimber found out she was pregnant. They both adore their daughter Alexis, so the new baby should be a welcome addition to their family.
But Kimber shared a night of passion with Sierra's husband Paul. They had unprotected sex, so Kimber does not know whether the child she carries belongs to her husband or to Paul. She had made the decision not to share her indiscretion with her husband. She loves Luke and her time apart from him felt like a little bit of hell on Earth. Will Kimber be able to live with the guilt? If she shares her secret, will Kimber and Luke's relationship or Sierra and Paul's survive this ultimate betrayal?
Or are some things better left unsaid?


Misty Reigenborn has been writing poetry, short stories and novel length work since she was nine years old. She is the author of twenty titles: romance novels A Twist of Fate, Better Left Unsaid, Run to You, Better Left Unsaid: Alternate Ending, Crestview Academy: Tory, Crestview Academy: Molli, Crestview Academy: Mellenda, Girls of Gabe's Place 1: Brandy, Girls of Gabe's Place 2: Robyn,Girls of Gabe's Place 3: Ami, Run From You, Key to My Heart: Stay, Key to My Heart: Only You and Temptations, fantasy novel Mind over Matter, short story collections Second Chance, This Song Reminds Me of You and Love and Other Tales, poetry collection From the Heart, and non fiction title A Broken System: Examining the Clark County Department of Family Services. She loves to connect with her readers and appreciates an honest review.

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