Modern Trends in Research on Steel, Aluminium and Composite Structures

epub eBook , 562 Seiten
ISBN 1000459527
EAN 9781000459524
Veröffentlicht Juni 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Taylor & Francis eBooks
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Modern Trends in Research on Steel, Aluminium and Composite Structures includes papers presented at the 14th International Conference on Metal Structures (Poznan, Poland, 16-18 June 2021). The 14th ICMS summarised theoretical, numerical and experimental research on steel, aluminium and composite structures, and presented new concepts.


Marian Gizejowski holds a Full Professor position at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology in Poland. His research and lecturing experience includes the position of Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Sydney in 1983, the Senior Lecturer position at the University of Zimbabwe 1988-1994 and the Associate Professor position at the University of Botswana 2001-2005. He has been invited to become the member of Advisory Boards and Scientific Committees of several international conferences, and to prepare plenary keynote lectures at the conferences taken place worldwide. He has been the author or co-author of several books as well as over 300 journal and conference papers. His research interest includes different aspects of structural stability, resistance assessment and codification, as well as nonlinear finite element analysis and design of steel, steel-concrete and aluminium structures. Recent activities are towards a progress in the formulation of general method stability verification procedures for the application in Eurocodes and the unification of resistance partial factors for their application in different design situations.
Aleksander Kozlowski is a full professor in Civil Engineering in Rzeszów University of Technology, Poland. He previously worked as a visiting professor in Univesidade da Beira Interior, Covilha, Portugal. He has been invited to become the member of Advisory Boards and Scientific Committees of several international conferences, e.g. Eurosteel, and took part in few European Projects, such as Cost, Robust, Android, Affordable House, Purest and FailNoMore. He is the author or co-author of over 250 journal and conference papers and 10 technical books. He is involved in ECCS Technical Committee TC 10 and Working Group WG8 of TC 250 in CEN. His recent investigations focus on steel and composite joints and their influence on structure behaviour, especially the role of joints in assurance survival of framed structures subjected to accidental loading in robustness analysis. He is also Professional Engineer and Government Expert in Construction and Structures.
Marcin Chybinski, Ph.D. Eng. - Assistant Professor at the Division of Structural Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering of the Poznan University of Technology. Member of the Polish Association for Computational Mechanics (PTMKM), Polish Chamber of Civil Engineers (PIIB), Wielkopolska Regional Chamber of Civil Engineers (WOIIB), Polish Association of Civil Engineers and Technicians (PZITB) and Polish Association of Mechanical Engineers and Technicians (SIMP). Professional Engineer and Building Expert of the Polish Chamber of Civil Engineers. International Welding Engineer and Inspector. Author and co-author of over 40 journal and conference papers and 2 books. Supervisor of over 120 bachelor's and master's theses. Recipient of several awards from the Rector of the Poznan University of Technology. Field of experience and interest: steel, aluminium, welded, timber and composite structures, testing of structures and components, fire safety of structures, durability, safety, diagnostics and strengthening of steel structures.
Katarzyna Rzeszut - Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng., Associate Professor, Head of Institute of Building Engineering in Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering at Poznan University of Technology. The main scientific areas are metal structures, non-linear sensitivity analysis, optimal design of cold-formed steel structures with imperfections and clearances, passive building construction and steel structures under fire conditions. Author and co-author of many scientific articles, scientific monograph and textbooks. Promotor of three PhD students. Member of PIIB and WOIB (1999) with governmental authorization for construction in structural design. Member of Managing Board of PACM (2002), Vice-president of the Science Committee of PZITB (since 2020), GAMM (since 2018). Coordinator of ERASMUS program (2003-2020), European grants: "KO-transfer"(2008) "RecoverINd" (2020), "CoConstruct" (2021).
Robert Studzinski, Ph.D. Eng. - Assistant Professor in Division of Structural Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering of Poznan University of Technology. Member of Polish Association for Computational Mechanics. Awarded by several Rector's of Poznan University of Technology awards. Scientific field of interest covers design, optimization and sensitivity analysis of sandwich panels, use of the blind connections with sandwich panels, failure mechanism of sandwich panels under the static and blast loads and design of the steel structures. Author and co-author of 36 scientific publications and supervisor of 115 bachelor and master thesis.
Maciej Szumigala - D.Sc. of technical sciences, associate professor, construction engineer with complex building licence to design and for managing of construction, holds the title of construction expert of the Polish Chamber of Civil Engineers. A long-time employee of the Poznan University of Technology, employed an associate professor at the Construction Department of the Institute of Building Structures at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Transport. Specialist in the field of metal structures, steel-concrete, aluminum-concrete and timber-concrete composite structures. He promoted three doctors. Supervisor in three consecutive started PhD title conferments. Author of many publications in the field of numerical modeling of complex structures, validation of numerical models, and structural stability.

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