Mohammad Amin Sheikho, A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani


A prophetical medicine appears in its new scientific perspective. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 3730996096
EAN 9783730996096
Veröffentlicht Januar 2015
Verlag/Hersteller BookRix
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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This book is quoted from the main book of Cupping which is very important for human kind
Actually it is a summary of the important scientific Cupping book .
The importance of this book is clear in establishing and clarifying the true method of practising Cupping and in manifesting the scientific precise rules of true scientific hygienic Cupping . these rules control the Cupping operation therefore they prevent any side effect and make it very fruitful.
Actually the book puts in the hands of the readers the true Cupping method and helps them to differentiate between the true Cupping and the other false method of applying Cupping.
It is a summary of a very wide scientific study which has two parts, the laboratory study and clinical one. The lab one which depended on blood analyses shows the very clear difference between the blood chemical and physical specifications and the venous one (the vein- withdrawn blood) and shows the very necessity of practising Cupping according to its scientific rules precisely . It shows the justification of each rule out of the analytical findings.
The clinical study shows the high percentage of clinical good results which are distributed in a range of getting well to having a full cure.
In addition to that, The book shows the high effectiveness of true cupping in curing the incurable diseases and chronic ones.
You read in this book the scientific explanation of each of the rules which control Cupping operation; the relation between Cupping and moon, Cupping and gender , Cupping and age, Cupping and seasonal timing, Cupping and day timing, Cupping and its site from person's body, Cupping and physiological conditions of human body, and between Cupping and having food.
In addition, you read in this book very important scientific notes and advices, and you notice the true Cupping operation step by step.
Actually the main book of true Cupping from which this book is quoted is considered the first precise scientific reference of true cupping.

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