Monta Z. Briant

Baby Sign Language Basics

Early Communication for Hearing Babies and Toddlers, 3rd Edition. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 480 Seiten
ISBN 1401955630
EAN 9781401955632
Veröffentlicht Juni 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Hay House Inc.
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
14,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Now includes streaming video, additional tips, advice, and updated resources!
Since 2004, Baby Sign Language Basics has introduced hundreds of thousands of parents and caregivers around the globe to the miracle of signing with their babies -and left them wanting more!
Now, in this newly expanded edition, Monta Z. Briant provides more than 300 American Sign Language (ASL) signs, illustrated with the same clear, easy-to-understand photos and descriptions. Baby-specific signing techniques, songs, and games are also included to make learning fun and to quickly open up two-way communication. Parents will meet real signing families and learn how to make sign language a part of their everyday interactions with their children. Also included is a video signing dictionary featuring all the signs from the book. Just point and click, and see the sign you want to learn come alive!
This is a must-have for all parents, grandparents, and anyone else who spends time with preverbal children. After all, what parent or caregiver doesn't want to know what their baby is trying to tell them?


Monta Briant, and her husband, Paul, began signing with their daughter, Sirena, when she was six months old. The family eventually learned hundreds of signs together. In 2001, Monta, a former professional yacht captain, decided to make a permanent career change that would enable her to stay home with her daughter, so she founded Baby Sign Language Workshops. An enthusiastic speaker and self-proclaimed " sign language evangelist," Monta teaches baby sign language workshops and parent-tot signing classes throughout San Diego County. Baby Sign Language Workshops classes have been the subject of feature stories in the San Diego Union-Tribune and on Fox 6 News.

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