Morphosyntactic Variation in Medieval Celtic Languages

Corpus-Based Approaches. 1. Auflage. 12 b/w ill. , 33 b/w tbl. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 396 Seiten
ISBN 3110680793
EAN 9783110680799
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2020
Verlag/Hersteller De Gruyter

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This book showcases the state of the art in the corpus-based linguistics of medieval Celtic languages. Its chapters detail theoretical advances in analysing variation/change in the Celtic languages and computational tools necessary to process/analyse the data. Many contributions situate the Celtic material in the broader field of corpus-based diachronic linguistics. The application of computational methods to Celtic languages is in its infancy and this book is a first in medieval Celtic Studies, which has mainly concentrated on philological endeavours such as editorial and literary work. The Celtic languages represent a new frontier in the development of NLP tools because they pose special challenges, like complicated inflectional morphology with non-straightforward mappings between lemmata and attested forms, irregular orthography, and consonant mutations. With so much data available in non-electronic form and ongoing efforts to convert these data to computer-readable format, there is much room for the developing/testing of new tools. This books provides an overview of this process at a crucial time in the development of the field and aims to the data accessible to computational linguists with an interest in diachronic change.


Elliott Lash; Fangzhe Qiu; David Stifter, Maynooth University, Ireland.

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