New philosemitism paradigm - Mozes


New philosemitism paradigm

Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 4.
pdf eBook
ISBN 214027377X
EAN 9782140273773
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Editions L'Harmattan
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
29,49 inkl. MwSt.
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The relationship between Jews and non-Jews is one of humankind's most complex encounters and oldest conflicts. Andre E. Mozes builds his ground-breaking concept, the New Philosemitism Paradigm, for solving - or at least easing - this conflict, and does this with visionary creativity, historical and scholarly thoroughness and engineering precision. Frequently also with quite a bit of wit, refreshing for such a somber subject. The New Philosemitism Paradigm declares that, while dignified Holocaust remembrance and uncompromising vigilance in front of Antisemitism - and other forms of racism - remain imperative, we need more searching, publicizing and fostering all past and present good co-existence too; interest in each other, co-operation, mutual inspiration and friendship between Gentiles and Jews, of material and spiritual nature. This balanced approach, Mozes suggests, will improve the life of Jews and non-Jews alike, both together and each side separately; and make Holocaust remembrance and education against Antisemitism more effective, easier to teach and to learn. This book is about the better periods of co-existence (not ignoring the horrifying chapter of the Shoah, but presenting also heroic life-savings - more than we are usually aware of); about the Jews themselves, and life with them as seen in classical literature. Finally, it offers a colourful bouquet of varied contemporary pieces: a dozen of Mozes' own writings, and others written for this volume by invited renowned writers, scholars and independent thinkers of all walks of life.


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