Muhammad Idrees

The Price of Dreams: A Journey of Hope and Betrayal

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230087878
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Muhammad Idrees
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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The Price of Dreams: A Journey of Hope and Betrayal
By Muhammad Idrees
What price would you pay to turn your dreams into reality?
Naseer Ahmad, known as Mama Dola, grew up in a world of contradictions—where lush green fields masked the harsh realities of poverty. Born into hardship, he carried the weight of his family's survival from a young age, sacrificing his own dreams. But when an opportunity arises to seek a better life, he embarks on a dangerous journey—one that will test his strength, resilience, and very will to survive.
From the dusty roads of a struggling village to the perilous paths of illegal migration, Naseer faces betrayal, heartbreak, and unimaginable challenges. Smugglers, harsh landscapes, and ruthless border patrols stand between him and the promise of a better future. Will he make it to the land of opportunity, or will the price of his dreams be too high to bear?
This gripping true story is a testament to the unbreakable spirit of those who refuse to give up. Through moments of sheer despair and unexpected kindness, Naseer's journey highlights the sacrifices made by countless individuals in pursuit of hope. The Price of Dreams is not just his story—it's a universal tale of ambition, struggle, and the power of perseverance.
If you love inspiring, real-life accounts of resilience and triumph over adversity, The Price of Dreams is a must-read. Buy now and embark on a journey that will touch your heart, challenge your perceptions, and leave you in awe of the human spirit.


Muhammad Idrees is passionate for resilience, self-belief, and the power of dreams. Born in a humble village, Idrees grew up witnessing the struggles of his family, which shaped his unwavering determination to succeed against all odds. His inspiring journey—from working in labor camps to achieving leadership roles abroad—serves as a testament to the power of hope, hard work, and perseverance.
With a deep belief in sharing the lessons he's learned, Idrees has dedicated his life to empowering others to overcome challenges and pursue their dreams. Through his writing, mentorship, and motivational talks, he inspires individuals to see opportunities in adversity and transform their lives.
His debut book, The Climb: Turning Struggles into Success, reflects his personal story and offers valuable insights on resilience, positive mindset, and the importance of family and community.
When he's not writing or mentoring, Idrees enjoys connecting with people, sharing knowledge, and encouraging others to take the first step toward their dreams.

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