Myron Korach, John Mordock

Common Phrases

And Where They Come From. Second Edition. Paperback. Sprache: Englisch.
kartoniert , 202 Seiten
ISBN 1599213079
EAN 9781599213071
Veröffentlicht März 1980
Verlag/Hersteller Lyons Press
15,20 inkl. MwSt.
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In the tradition of Eats, Shoots & Leaves and Anguished English, Common Phrases is a fascinating guide to the origins of our language. Wonderful stories reveal the real meaning of Adam's apple, nick of time, stool pigeon, armed to the teeth, raining cats and dogs, at sixes and sevens, dog days of summer, and scores of others. With nearly 35,000 copies sold, this classic begins a new life with a fresh package and a new audience for entertaining reference books.


Myron Korach was born in 1901 and received a law degree from Case Western Reserve University Law School in 1929. While he attended law school, Korach taught immigrants to read and write, his first experience with their difficulties with idioms. John Mordock, a psychologist by training, has published six books and numerous articles in professional journals. An avid fly fisherman, he has also published articles in outdoor magazines.

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