Naim Tahir Baig

Earning Online: Unlocking Today's Virtual Economy (1, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230416319
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Naim Tahir Baig
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Book Description
"Earning Online: Unlocking Today's Virtual Economy" offers a comprehensive guide to navigating the digital marketplace. Written by Dr. Naim Tahir Baig, a distinguished scholar and successful digital entrepreneur, this book combines academic insights with practical business experience.
Drawing from both research at Minhaj University Pakistan and real-world success as co-founder of Mehras Sports Enterprises, Dr. Baig provides readers with a unique perspective on the virtual economy. The book explores essential aspects of online earning, from freelancing and e-commerce to digital marketing and content creation.
Each chapter builds upon fundamental concepts while incorporating advanced strategies for success in the digital age. Readers will discover practical approaches to:- Building sustainable online businesses- Navigating global e-commerce platforms- Understanding digital marketing strategies- Managing remote work environments- Implementing effective financial practices- Ensuring legal compliance and ethical operations
The text particularly addresses the needs of entrepreneurs in developing economies, offering insights into overcoming common challenges and leveraging digital opportunities. Through detailed case studies and practical examples, readers gain valuable knowledge applicable to various online business models.
This resource serves both newcomers to the digital economy and experienced professionals seeking to expand their expertise. The author's dual perspective as an academic researcher and successful online business owner provides a balanced view of theoretical frameworks and practical applications.
Whether you're starting your journey in online earning or looking to scale existing digital ventures, this book provides the knowledge and tools necessary for success in today's virtual economy.


Professional Biography - Dr. Naim Tahir Baig
Dr. Naim Tahir Baig is a distinguished scholar and author specializing in International Relations, Education, and Contemporary Global Affairs.
Dr. Baig holds a Ph.D. in International Relations and has further enhanced his expertise with a Postgraduate Diploma in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) with a focus on Advanced Educational Methodology.
Research and Publications
Major Books-
"Bashar al-Assad's Last Stand: A Study of the Syrian Conflict's Final 11 Days in December 2024"
"Three Winters in Exile: The Trump Chronicles 2021-2024"
"Artificial Intelligence and Society: Navigating the Human Experience in an AI-Enhanced World"
"The Role of Religion in Pakistani Politics: From Jinnah's Vision to Present"
Academic Publications- "The Diminishing Pax-Americana: Can The US Escape Declinism From Hegemonic Triumphalism"- "The Changing Security Dynamics Shaped The Power Imbalance Between India And Pakistan In The Post-Cold War Era"- "Last Sermon Of Prophet Muhammad S.A.A.W, Human Rights And Civil Society In The Context Of United Nation Declaration: Analytical Study From Historical Perspective"
Areas of Expertise- International Relations and Global Politics- Educational Methodology and Lesson Planning- Contemporary Middle Eastern Affairs- American Political History- Religious-Political Dynamics in South Asia- Artificial Intelligence and Societal Impact- Human Rights and Civil Society
Impact and Recognition
His work has been recognized for bridging theoretical frameworks with practical applications, making complex concepts accessible while maintaining academic rigor. His publications serve as essential resources for academics, practitioners, and policy makers across multiple disciplines, from political science to educational methodology.

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