Neil Hetzner


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0985603100
EAN 9780985603106
Veröffentlicht Mai 2012
Verlag/Hersteller Neil Hetzner
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Why is everyone trying to kill Prissi Langue?
It's 2097 and teens can fledge and grow wings as they go through puberty. Fifteen year old Prissi has been having fun flying, goofing with her BFF Nancy, and stirring up arguments with her NQB (not quite boyfriend) Joe Fflowers. Despite her mother's death three years before, her dad's unending and very depressing grief, and Joe's threats to run away from school to avoid fledging, Prissi's life is pretty good.
That is, until Prissi meets Joshua Fflowers, the man who invented fledging and one of the world's richest men. Intrigued with Joshua Fflowers, Prissi does some research and finds a picture of him with someone who looks just like her mother--except that her name is different and her dad professes to know nothing about it.
As Prissi investigates, she meets a man who worked with her mother on some radical meta-mutational research a half-century before. Intrigued, Prissi keeps investigating and before she knows it her good life is gone.
The chase is on. Over the skies of Manhattan, into the bowels of the drowned subway system, across the wasteland of eastern Long Island, the question becomes can Prissi fly fast enough and far enough to elude all the people who are trying to kill her?


Neil (aka C.N.) Hetzner is married, has two children, and lives a mile from the edge of the continent in Rhode Island. Since his inauspicious birth in Indiana in 1948 he has worked as a cook, millwright, newspaper columnist, business professor, vacuumist, printer's assistant, landscaper, railroader, caterer, factory worker, consulting editor, and, currently, real estate agent.
In addition to working, which he likes a lot, and writing, which he likes even more, he enjoys reading, weaving, cooking, and intrepidly screwing up house repairs.
His writing runs the gamut from young adult futurism to stories about the intricacies of families; however, if there is a theme that links his writing, it is the complicated and miraculous mathematics of mercy.

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