Nima Errisouly

The Simplest Pregnancy guide : A Holistic Guide to a Healthy and Positive Journey

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230190141
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Nima Errisouly
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
8,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Looking for a guide that's actually helpful, not just more "rules" about pregnancy? This is it. Seriously. Your Pregnancy Journey isn't just a book—it's like sitting down with a friend who's been through it all and knows what you're feeling. I'm a mom of five and a doctor, and this book? It's everything I've learned along the way, wrapped into one place.
What's inside?- All the info you need: What to do before pregnancy, how to handle each trimester, and how to take care of yourself and your baby. It's all here.- No confusing science talk: Just real advice backed by research but explained like we're chatting. Nutrition, exercise, mental health—easy and doable.- True stories: My pregnancies weren't picture-perfect, and that's why I'm sharing what really happened. You'll see yourself in these moments.- Solutions you'll use: Nausea? Got you. Birth plans? Covered. This isn't about vague ideas. It's about fixing problems.- Mind + body focus: Pregnancy isn't just about what your body's doing. It's about how you feel. We tackle both.
This is for anyone—whether it's your first baby or your fifth. It's straight-up, no fluff, and not written like a lecture. It's honest, it's helpful, and it's made for you. If you want to feel ready, less stressed, and actually enjoy this ride? This is your guide. Let's do this pregnancy thing together.

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