Verb Movement in Romance - Norma Schifano

Norma Schifano

Verb Movement in Romance

A Comparative Study. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 2.
pdf eBook , 352 Seiten
ISBN 0192526804
EAN 9780192526809
Veröffentlicht Januar 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Oxford University Press
110,99 inkl. MwSt.
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This book provides a detailed account of verb movement across more than twenty standard and non-standard Romance varieties. Norma Schifano examines the position of the verb with respect to a wide selection of hierarchically-ordered adverbs, as laid out in Cinque's (1999) seminal work. She uses extensive empirical data to demonstrate that, contrary to traditional assumptions, it is possible to identify at least four distinct macro-typologies in the Romance languages: these macro-typologies stem from a compensatory mechanism between syntax and morphology in licensing the Tense, Aspect, and Mood interpretation of the verb. The volume adopts a hybrid cartographic/minimalist approach, in which cartography provides the empirical tools of investigation, and minimalist theory provides the technical motivations for the movement phenomena that are observed. It provides a valuable tool for the examination of fundamental morphosyntactic properties from a cross-Romance perspective, and constitutes a useful point of departure for further investigations into the nature and triggers of verb movement cross-linguistically.


Norma Schifano has recently completed her PhD at Clare College, University of Cambridge, and is currently working as a Research Associate on the Leverhulme-funded research project 'Fading voices in Southern Italy: investigating language contact in Magna Graecia'. Her research interests include historical and synchronic Romance comparative morphosyntax, with a special focus on language contact; Mood, Tense, and Aspect marking; the functional make-up of the sentential core; verb movement, adverbial syntax, and cartography. She is the editor and translator of Renato Oniga's Latin: A Linguistic Introduction (OUP 2014).


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