Nozomu Mochitsuki

Tearmoon Empire: Volume 2 (Light Novel)

Sprache: Englisch.
kartoniert , 372 Seiten
ISBN 1718374410
EAN 9781718374416
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Yen Press
Übersetzer Übersetzt von David Teng
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It's the summer holidays, and Mia's on a roll.
Ever since the spoiled princess of Tearmoon leapt through time and restarted life as a twelve-year-old, everything has been going her way. Leveraging her memory of future events and-unwittingly-the delusions of those around her, she secures a source of wheat for the coming famine and prevents civil war from breaking out. She even manages to avert her own grisly death by guillotine, erasing from existence the very diary that foretold her doom!
But once again that dreaded word-revolution-reaches her ears, only this time, it's not in Tearmoon. She's horrified to learn that a popular uprising in Remno is threatening that kingdom's stability. To make matters worse Abel, her princely sweetheart, is trapped at the center of the chaos. Should she brave danger to mount a rescue, or sit safe in the comfort of her own castle? Freed from the curse of the guillotine and faced with an uncertain future, what path will Mia choose?


Nozomu Mochitsuki, David Teng, Gilse