O. Westin

Micro Science Fiction

Paperback. Sprache: Englisch.
kartoniert , 190 Seiten
ISBN 3944543866
EAN 9783944543864
Veröffentlicht Juni 2019
Verlag/Hersteller mikrotext
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O. Westin's micro science fiction is set in an extra-terrestrial future, capturing scenes of interstellar life - transgalactic communication attempts between aliens and humans, philosophizing robots, Siri-s emotions, and plenty of comic relief across the space-time continuum.
The over 350 very short stories tackle all the Big Questions: How do you establish contact with aliens without offending them? Will artificial intelligences one day demand election rights? And which species would aliens decide to contact on Planet Earth?
-Some of the best depth and potential built into the space of a single tweet.- MEG, Chair of the BristolCon SF Convention
-I've been writing microfics on postcards and my appreciation for the Sheer Compressed Wonder you create has only increased. (Which isn't to say I ever thought it was *easy*.)- Jeanette Ng, award-nominated SF novelist
-Like a circus tent, @MicroSFF stories are much bigger on the inside than they appear on the outside.- Gunnstein R'Lyeh


O. Westin lives in the UK and works as an IT specialist. Since 2013 he has published over three thousand short sci-fi stories on the twitter account @MicroSFF with more than 74.000 followers.