Apple Black, Volume 5 - Odunze Oguguo, Whyt Manga, Saturday Am

Odunze Oguguo, Whyt Manga, Saturday Am

Apple Black, Volume 5

Rumble Trials. 500 illustrations. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 60.
pdf eBook , 224 Seiten
ISBN 0760390355
EAN 9780760390351
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Rockport Publishers

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In Apple Black, Volume 5, Sano uses his new wand instead of his arm, which could destroy the world.


Nigerian artist Odunze Oguguo is the creator of the hit manga series Apple Black and Bacassi. Oguguo is also an influencer who has garnered a large following as "Whyt Manga." As one of the co-founders of MyFutprint Entertainment, LLC, and a central figure in developing its brands like Saturday AM, Oguguo has found time to achieve personal milestones. He graduated from the University of Texas at Arlington with a bachelor's degree in fine arts and a minor in computer science. He later graduated with a master's degree in fine arts from the same university with a degree in visual communication design. He resides in North Texas with his family. To see more of Oguguo's work, visit @whytmanga on Instagram, whytmanga on TikTok, and @WhytMangaOdunze on YouTube.
Saturday AM is a unique digital comics brand featuring an ever-growing catalog of popular, exclusive and diverse action manga-style webcomics by independent creators from around the world. Among the nearly 50 visionary artists on the Saturday AM team are @WhytManga (Apple Black), @JeyOdin (Hammer), and @saigamiproject (Saigami). To learn more about Saturday AM, visit, or find them on Instagram (@saturday_am), YouTube (, and Twitter (@saturday_am).


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