Olga Kryuchkova

Book 1. Duke Krok and Medulina (Princess Seer. Crown of Power, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798215159552
Veröffentlicht Februar 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Olga Kryuchkova
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Lands of Bohemia. End of VII — beginning of VIII centuries.
Prince Czech and his large tribe leave their homes and rush in search of a new homeland. Říp becomes the capital of the new principality called Bohemia. From Říp, Czech rules over his lands and decides the fate of his people, the Czech tribe.
Young Krok and his family decide to leave Říp and settle in the still free lands. They find a suitable place near the stream. Once in the forest, young Krok meets the beautiful Medulina, not suspecting that she is a forest spirit. Love breaks out between Krok and Medulina. Medulina's parents, the forest god Bor and the goddess of childbirth, Didilia, bless their marriage. Three daughters are born in a young family: Kazi, Teta, Libuše. Medulina already knows about the destiny of her daughters. However, she is unable to change their fate, because the fateful threads are woven by the divine sisters of the Sudenitsy themselves.
Over time, Krok becomes the Duke of Budec. The alien Prince Ladvik appears in the forests with his tribe, who left their native lands under the onslaught of the Saxon tribes. Ladvik is strong, cunning and worships the god Veles. Veles, in every possible way, favors his faithful admirer. Ladvik and his kmets (are warriors close to the ruler) ravage the border lands of the Czechs and Luchane. Krok enters into a military alliance with the Prince of Luchane, Radoslav, in order to confront Prince Ladvik. Together, the allies manage to repulse him. Ladvik suffers a crushing defeat and goes into the thicket of the forest to serve Veles himself in the guise of a bear. However, Veles is not happy that Krok and Radoslav intervened in his plans. Veles wants revenge and finds an ally, a dark god, Chernobog.
Medulina is trying to protect the family from the wrath of Veles and saves her husband from certain death. Bor and Didilia jointly oppose the magic of Veles and Chernobog. Veles and Chernobog retreat for a while. However, Veles, by all means, intends to get even with the Krok's family and to start using the eldest daughter Kazi. For this Veles attracts Libor, the son of the Forest Prince Ladvik. Libuše and Medulina intend to protect Kazi, but in vain. From the connection between Kazi and Libor, a boy is born, intended to serve Veles. Medulina takes her newborn grandson and leaves the human world with him. Krok is very upset by the disappearance of his wife. Teta and Libuše try to support Kazi in every possible way, and soon she marries the Prince of Luchane, Radoslav. At his sister's wedding, Libuše has visions that foreshadow the death of a young man while hunting...
Prince Czech died. A struggle for power began in the capital of the principality. Branka, the wife of one of Czech's sons, dreams of elevating her husband to the throne of power. To do this, she resorts to the help of the Dark Forces. However, Branka's plans are crumbling. And she enters into a relationship with the magical Demon-snake.
At this time, Libuše had a love affair with Mirek. From time to time, Libuše was visited by visions that foreshadowed trouble. Libuše tried to understand their meaning and protect her relatives, subjects and beloved Mirek from the Dark Forces.
Nevertheless, Chernobog is strong and defeated the Light Gods. As a result, Libuše's father died.
God Veles in the form of a bear appeared before Kazi to take her child. Veles intended to raise a child and make him his faithful servant. Medulina is ready to protect her daughter Kazi and grandson from Veles and, if necessary, from Chernobog.
Libuše parted with her beloved Mirek. She was very upset by their breakup. Fate brought Libuše together with the son of a local Voivode named Přemysl. However, Vlasta, a faithful friend of Libuše, fell in love with Přemysl. And Vlasta does not intend to share Přemysl with Libuše.


Olga Kryuchkova began her creative career in 2006. During this time, the author had more than 100 publications and reprints (historical novels, historical adventures, esotericism, art therapy, fantasy). A number of novels were co-written with Elena Kryuchkova.

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