Olivier Rebiere, Cristina Rebiere

Discover the world differently n°1

Travel with your child and open his/her mind! Peru, Western USA, France, Malaysia, South Africa. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 129 Seiten
EAN 6610000015658
Veröffentlicht Juni 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Rebiere
Übersetzer Fotos von Cristina Rebiere
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Make your children discover the world differently!
Are your children bored in front of the TV or with video games?
What if you were to offer them another way to discover the countries and peoples of our planet?
This little Kids Experience "Discover the world differently" will help you!
Browse continents and countries with interesting themes that will help them discover languages, nature, folklore, games, songs, etc. :-)
We have organized children's parties for more than ten years and have traveled the world for over twenty years. It is a real joy to get to know the Others and their environment :-)
Discovering, reading, talking with your child is always a magical family moment. It is also a great opportunity to share your experience and create unforgettable memories for you and him or her :-)
With these little useful books we want to share with you our pleasant findings and the pleasure of discovering the other peoples of the Earth, for more understanding and tolerance!
What will you find in this Kids Experience: "Discover the world differently"?
5 sections presenting the continents
5 countries
tales, flora, fauna, photos, songs, recipes, games...
counting, playing
proverbs from each country
always on hand in your smartphone or digital reader!
So, are you ready to discover the world differently?
OK, let's go!
Cristina & Olivier Rebiere

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