Pamela Redmond Satran


A laugh out loud romantic comedy. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1787478858
EAN 9781787478855
Veröffentlicht September 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Quercus
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Now a major TV show, starring Hilary Duff and produced by the creator of Sex and the City. This hilarious romantic comedy is all about second chances - after all, if you could live your twenties a second time, wouldn't you?
Alice has always looked young for her age, even with her greying hair and her housewife style. But now that her husband's gone and her daughter is grown, Alice is in desperate need of a new life. So she lets her best friend Maggie transform her into a woman who looks really young.
But the white lies escalate, and soon Alice finds herself with a gorgeous 20-something boyfriend and the dream job she'd briefly had before becoming a full-time mom. For the first time since she was actually twenty-nine, or possibly ever, Alice feels that life is ripe with possibility. But has Alice told one lie too many?
Younger is a hilarious and insightful story that proves you're only as young as you feel.
'Satran weaves a sparkly thread of fantasy through her solid social realism, writing precisely what Alice tells her boss readers want: "a book that's going to keep them awake beyond half a page at the end of a long involved day."' - Publishers Weekly


Pamela Redmond Satran

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