Pandora Sykes

How Do We Know We're Doing It Right?

And Other Thoughts On Modern Life. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1473575257
EAN 9781473575257
Veröffentlicht Juli 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Cornerstone Digital

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Stop searching for the answers - and start delighting in the questions with Pandora Sykes, co-host of The High Low podcast.
'Deliciously fascinating' MARIAN KEYES
'Refreshing ... thoughtful, considered' STYLIST
'Timely and fulsome' CANDICE CARTY-WILLIAMS
'Joyful and wise' LISA TADDEO
Modern life is full of choices - but how do we know we're making the right ones? Why, in our attempts to make life easier, do we often make it harder?
With a light touch and plenty of humour, Pandora Sykes delves into the myths we've been sold and the stories we tell ourselves, in a timely bid to encourage us to consider the lives we once led, and how they might better serve us. It's time to stop looking for the answers - and start delighting in the questions.
'Thoughtful and funny' DOLLY ALDERTON
'Like a very clever, lucid, charming friend unpacking all the messy anxieties of modern existence with tremendous intelligence and elan. Read this book. It will help your life' INDIA KNIGHT
'Had me cackling. So smart but so well-researched' CANDICE BRATHWAITE
'Energetic and compelling' OLIVIA SUDJIC
'Navigates complicated issues with great humanity, humour and humility ... [it] left me wanting more' SATHNAM SANGHERA
'Self-aware, self-deprecating, relatable, funny, and brilliantly curious' STACEY DOOLEY
'Witty and zeitgeisty ... strikes a fresh, honest note' VANITY FAIR
Readers love Pandora's first book:
'A truly marvellous debut'
'Insightful and beautifully written'
'Totally brilliant ... I devoured this masterpiece in one sitting'
'A bright book in a gloomy year'
'Feeling a lot better about life after finishing this!'
'I adored Pandora's book and will be thinking about it for a long time.'
'So clever and thought-provoking'
'Pandora is a wonderful writer and I found myself unexpectedly in tears by the end'


Pandora Sykes is a journalist and broadcaster. She has written for the Sunday Times, Vogue, ELLE and the Telegraph amongst other publications, and was the co-host of The High Low, the UK's No.1 podcast for women. She lives in London. This is her first book.

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