Business Plans For Dummies - Paul Tiffany, Steven D. Peterson, Colin Barrow

Paul Tiffany, Steven D. Peterson, Colin Barrow

Business Plans For Dummies

3. Auflage. E-Book. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 82.
pdf eBook , 384 Seiten
ISBN 1119943876
EAN 9781119943877
Veröffentlicht April 2012
Verlag/Hersteller Polity

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Your one-stop guide to creating a winning business plan from
Whether you're starting a new business or growing an established
one, you'll need a solid business plan to get you where you want to
go. Revised for today's rocky economic climate, this edition of the
UK's bestselling business plan guide gives you what you need to map
out your business strategy and stay on course - including a
complete sample plan that you can easily adapt for your
* Chart your course - assess the current state of your
business and where you'd like to take it, and establish clear,
achievable objectives
* Get to know your customers - learn the latest techniques
for getting a better idea of who your customers are and what they
* Scope out the competition - find out who your competitors
are and what it'll take to get your share of the market pie (and
* Sort out your finances - construct a value chain, examine
your cash flow and calculate a sensible budget
* Enter the Dragons' Den - convince bankers, investors,
venture capitalists and other funding sources your business is a
good investment
* Read the tea leaves - learn to decipher changing cultural,
political and technological trends and to alter your strategies as
Open the book and find:
* Tips on developing a sure-fire business strategy
* How to set realistic objectives
* Forecasting and budgeting strategies
* Keys to writing a motivational mission statement
* How to decipher the latest consumer trends
* Advice on building your brand and brand loyalty
* Tips for seeing and seizing opportunities before the
* Ways to adapt your plan to economic change
Learn to:
* Prepare a watertight business strategy
* Assess the marketplace
* Devise a sensible forecast and budget


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