Paul Tobin

My Mummy Vs. Your Ghost

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen ab 8 Jahre. Ebook (Epub & Mobi). Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 272 Seiten
ISBN 1619639041
EAN 9781619639041
Veröffentlicht 25. März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury Children's Books

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Last Kids on Earth meets Goosebumps in this monster mash of a series featuring all your favorite creatures going head-to-head in epic battles.
We found out in the first book in the Versus Universe what happens when a vampire goes up against a werewolf, and now we'll see who comes out on top when it's my mummy vs your ghost.
Seasoned trainers Hayden and Gabe return to the battlefield with an ancient mummy ready to bring the heat. But the cold can burn just as bad, and new coaches Lilly and Amos have a centuries-old ghost with the power to freeze anyone out of a win. It's the undead going head-to-head! But who will end up with the win of their afterlife?
My Mummy vs. Your Ghost is the second book in an epic horror series from bestselling author Paul Tobin featuring all your favorite monsters--from vampires and werewolves, to the monster in your closet and zombies, and witches and warlocks--daring to answer the question: Who would win in a fight?


Paul Tobin lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife, artist Colleen Coover, with whom he created the Eisner-award-winning Bandette. He is also the author of a multitude of comics for such publishers as Marvel, Dark Horse, and DC Comics. Paul is one of the two head writers for the Angry Birds comics, and is also writing episodes for the upcoming season of Angry Birds cartoon shorts. (He further rounds out his domination of iPhone games by writing the Plants vs. Zombies comics.) His other current projects include the Adventure Time: Flip Side series, combining the worlds of Prometheus/Aliens/Predator in conjunction with Dark Horse Comics/Ridley Scott, and continuing work on his award-winning horror series Colder.

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