Penric Gamhra

The Jamaican Creole Language

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393833454
EAN 9781393833451
Veröffentlicht Mai 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Penric
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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I had made a vow to this language, as one of the dearest legacy of my fourth parents, a tongue which is now a part of my thrilling soul. The Jamaican language,
I pay close attention to this valuable gift,
and with my love for and thoughts and respect too,
to preserve this legend.
I have compiled this beautiful*token*
which seeks your attention to be completely expressed with the feelings and meanings.
Although, this doesn't contain all the resources for you to learn the entire language as a finger snapped!
Still, it will swim you through the overwhelming journey of what the Jamaican language is about.
'The language base'
Check out this proverb
"Donkey seh the worl nuh level."
This means, the journey of life is not an easy road.
What about
"Wah gwaan Jamaica?"
Which a former United States president loves to
say, the most honorable Barack Obama.
And they're still host of different proverbs and
words and highly liked street talk awaits you.


Penric gamhra born Jamaican
living in Jamaica, a soulful poet.
He loves everything nature has to offer
from the birds, to the sky and the life among the trees.
he acquired a vision of telling stories with just few lines.
and he's a witty face for doing all of that.
when he's happy he goes on with a very beautiful day but when he's sad he writes his heart out full.
A man of words and a man of stories.
He has self-published numerous books of poetry and other works.
you can find him on Instagram.

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