Personal Data-Smart Cities: How cities can Utilise their Citizen's Personal Data to Help them Become Climate Neutral

ebook Ausgabe. 18 farbige Abbildungen, 2 schwarz-weiße Tabellen. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 356 Seiten
ISBN 1000891402
EAN 9781000891409
Veröffentlicht Mai 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Taylor & Francis eBooks

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This book sets out to address some of the issues that a smart city needs to overcome to make use of both the data currently available to them and how this can be enhanced by using emerging technology enabling a citizen to share their personal data, adding value.


Dr Shaun Topham has long experience of working with government and public administrations around the world, having also been a politician. He was the President of the EU eForum, a network comprising cities, universities and companies, initially established by the Commission to share best practice in eGovernment whilst focusing in recent years on linking Chinese and European smart cities and on identity management. He has been involved in piloting and disseminating numerous projects. Amongst them, STORK and STORK2.0 covering cross-border identity, and EKSISTENZ on identity theft. He was also a Fellow at the University of Manchester, Urban Institute.
Paolo Boscolo gained a Master's degree in Electronics Engineering in 1986. And subsequently worked at ALCATEL Italia in Florence, participating in EU projects and in 1990 he became Head of the IT department in Florence. In 1992 he joined the Comune di Prato as Head of the Information Service, managing all distributed computing facilities and multi-protocol data transmission networks in the city. He participates in national innovation projects and in European Projects in the field of advanced IT infrastructures, digital innovation and data exploitation. He is currently the IT Director of Prato City Council and is responsible for the Innovation & Digital Agenda office and coordinator of the Open Data publishing team. Since 2008 he has represented Prato City Council in the Major Cities of Europe (MCE) and is a member of the Executive Committee.
Michael Mulquin has spent nearly 30 years partnering with cities, rural areas, and industry on how technology can help neighbourhoods and cities work better. For the last ten years he has been focusing on the development and implementation of smart city standards. He is Chair of the IEC Smart Cities Systems Committee and Co-Chair of the IEC-ISO-ITU Joint Smart Cities Task Force. He is City Standards Associate with the UK Connected Places Catapult and a member of the UK Government External Advisory Group on Secure Connected Communities. He works with Open and Agile Smart Cities (OASC) to support the development of the Minimal Interoperability Mechanisms (MIMs) that provide focused sets of requirements to support different aspects of building a local data sharing ecosystem.

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