Peter Benchley


A Novel. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 368 Seiten
ISBN 0307828662
EAN 9780307828668
Veröffentlicht Juli 2012
Verlag/Hersteller Ballantine Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
10,99 inkl. MwSt.
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NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The classic suspense novel of shark versus man, which was made into the blockbuster Steven Spielberg movie. The Jaws phenomenon changed popular culture and continues to inspire a growing interest in sharks and the oceans today.
When Peter Benchley wrote Jaws in the early 1970s, he meticulously researched all available data about shark behavior. Over the ensuing decades, Benchley was actively engaged with scientists and filmmakers on expeditions around the world as they expanded their knowledge of sharks. Also during this time, there was an unprecedented upswing in the number of sharks killed to make shark-fin soup, and Benchley worked with governments and nonprofits to sound the alarm for shark conservation. He encouraged each new generation of Jaws fans to enjoy his riveting tale and to channel their excitement into support and protection of these magnificent, prehistoric apex predators.
This edition of Jaws contains bonus content from Peter Benchley's archives, including the original typed title page, a brainstorming list of possible titles, a letter from Benchley to producer David Brown with honest feedback on the movie adaptation, and excerpts from Benchley's book Shark Trouble highlighting his firsthand account of writing Jaws, selling it to Universal Studios, and working with Steven Spielberg.
Praise for Jaws
"A tightly written, tautly paced study of terror [that] makes us tingle."-The Washington Post
"Powerful . . . [Benchley's] story grabs you at once."-The New York Times Book Review
"Relentless terror . . . You'd better steel yourself for this one. It isn't a tale for the faint of heart."-The Philadelphia Inquirer
"Pure engrossment from the very opening . . . a fine story told with style, class, and a splendid feeling for suspense."-Chicago Sun-Times


Peter Benchley began his career as a novelist in 1974 with the publication of Jaws, which was made into a hugely successful film. His other books include The Deep, The Island, The Girl of the Sea of Cortez, "Q" Clearance, Rummies, Beast, White Shark, and Shark Trouble. He was also a speechwriter for President Lyndon Johnson and a journalist for such magazines as Newsweek and National Geographic. Benchley died in 2006. For more information, please visit

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