Peter Bradbury, Peter C. Bradbury

Catch The Evil Brothers (Prospects, #2)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230026648
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Peter C. Bradbury
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Alec and George Savvas are brothers from the Bay Area of San Francisco. They left hurriedly when the police started to ask questions about missing, beautiful women, so for the past few years they have been living without incident in Buenos Aires. The older brother, Alec, is extremely handsome and is a womanizer. His sibling, George, doesn't attract the same kind of women, but he enjoys them if he gets the opportunity. Alec likes the women to fall in love with him, but he doesn't want to make a life with them, he just likes to plan their final hours. Finding that killing the women wasn't to his liking, he left that part to his brother, who has no such qualms.
As both brothers are very wealthy and well educated, they are able to disappear rapidly if they feel threatened in any way. So when a woman dies accidentally in the company of George, they leave Argentina and return to the USA. Once they are back, Alec wants to return to their old ways of making his women go missing forever, and so they resume the killings.
However, a detective in San Francisco has been waiting for the brothers to return, along with the brother of one of their victims, and they are determined to finally bring the siblings to justice, if they can catch them in time.

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