The Sea Takes No Prisoners - Peter Clutterbuck

Peter Clutterbuck

The Sea Takes No Prisoners

Offshore voyages in an open dinghy. 1. Auflage. 8-page colour photo section. Ebook (PDF). Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 27.
pdf eBook , 224 Seiten
ISBN 1472945700
EAN 9781472945709
Veröffentlicht Januar 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Adlard Coles Nautical

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This is a classic real-life story of derring do on the high seas, complete with extreme risk, last-minute ingenuity and many near-misses.
Beginning in the 1960s, this book tells of the real life adventures of the author as a boy - a time of boarding schools, long holidays and an unbelievable (to today's parents) amount of freedom and danger. Encouraged by his parents (who lived abroad) to become more independent and self-sufficient, Peter decided to see how far he could get in his family's small open dinghy Calypso. Aged 16, he spent a winter restoring her, before pootling straight out into a force 7 gale and very nearly capsizing, after which he headed back to land to plan even more extreme adventures.
Calypso was a Wayfarer, a small (16ft) and very popular class of open dinghy; a boat designed for pottering around coastlines and estuaries during the day. But along with the occasional brave crewmate, Peter managed to sail her across the Channel, through the Bay of Biscay, down the French canals and into the Mediterranean, then up into the North Sea and the Baltic to Oslo, living aboard for three months at a time. These were some of the longest voyages that anyone had ever achieved in an open boat, where (as Peter says) you 'have to be like a tightrope walker, concentrating on balance day and night, fully aware of the consequence of relaxing your vigilance'. He survived huge waves, nine rudder breakages in heavy seas, dismasting, capsizes, and hallucinations caused by sleep deprivation. He also managed it on a tiny budget, working as a farm labourer, hitchhiking everywhere, and at times living on one meal of cereal a day, to save the maximum amount for his boat.
Charming, quite British in style, beautifully written and a lovely insight into a seemingly golden time, this is primarily a great read, but will be of huge practical use to anyone wanting to go that bit further in their dinghy. It also includes a lovely Foreword by world-famous yachtsman Brian Thompson.


Peter Clutterbuck has been a professional yachtsman and sailing instructor in the UK and the US. He has crossed the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans under sail, participated in the Singlehanded Transpacific Race, and campaigned the ocean racing trimaran Spirit of England to 15 wins and 4 international race records. He still sails the same Wayfarer dinghy.


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