A Syntax-Oriented Translator - Peter Zilahy Ingerman

Peter Zilahy Ingerman

A Syntax-Oriented Translator

Web PDF. Sprache: Englisch.
pdf eBook , 142 Seiten
ISBN 1483261352
EAN 9781483261355
Veröffentlicht Mai 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Academic Press
24,95 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

A Syntax-Oriented Translator focuses on the field of programming and the characteristics and functions of compilers and translators.
The book first offers information on the metasyntactic language and the details of a parsing processor. Discussions focus on processing, recovery, and output sections, detailed flow-chart of the parsing processor, parsing form of a grammar, canonical ordering, and the metasyntactic language in general. The text then elaborates on some extensions to the metasyntactic language and metasemantic and metapragmatic language, including punctuation marks and format control, metasemantic and metapragmatic functions, basic form of the construct, and substitution MSF. The publication examines the details of an unparsing processor, as well as lists used in unparsing, subroutines, and the unparsing processor itself.
The book is a dependable source of information for home compiler-writers who are interested in the use of a syntax-oriented translator.

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