
The New Education - Fighting Technology (and Boredom) for the Attention of Students

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798227580627
Veröffentlicht Mai 2024
Verlag/Hersteller PFK
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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How often do you see students sitting on their phones, continuously scrolling, looking straight into their laps without a care in the world for what you are trying to teach them? How often do your students neglect doing their homework, presumably in favor of pursuing leisure activities of their choice? How often, after you feel you've prepared your students as best as you can, are you underwhelmed by the test scores come grading time? For these questions, the answer is probably - more often than you'd wish.
The introduction of digital technology to the classroom has brought just as many (possibly more) challenges as benefits to secondary education. The primary purpose of the educator is no longer to foster effective learning environments and to convey information to students, as has historically been the case, but rather to compete with external stimuli for the attention of these students. In this book, I explore tactics centered around keeping students engaged, covering topics such as discipline, assessments, lesson structure, homework, and technology's role in the classroom.
Education is changing. Will your teaching methods change too?

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