Philip K. Dick

Blade Runner: ¿Sueñan Los Androides Con Ovejas Eléctricas?

Sprache: Spanisch.
gebunden , 264 Seiten
ISBN 8435021297
EAN 9788435021296
Veröffentlicht April 2012
Verlag/Hersteller EDHASA
Übersetzer Übersetzt von Miguel Anton
18,50 inkl. MwSt.
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Rick Deckard, experto en el manejo de androides, recibe el encargo de destruir a seis androides rebeldes. Así comienza una alucinante pesadilla tecnológica, una obra maestra que pone en cuestión lo que significa ser humano. En esta novela se basa la película que hizo famoso a Harrison Ford.

Androids handling expert Rick Deckard is tasked with destroying six rogue droids. Thus begins an amazing technological nightmare, a masterpiece that calls into question what it means to be human.


Philip K. Dick is one of the most important science fiction authors of all time, and his way of analyzing and showing reality has made him the most notable precursor of cyberpunk. He is the author of such influential works including The Man In The High Castle, Doctor Bloodmoney, In The Shady Land, The Preserving Machine, among others.