On the Trail of Wolves - Philippa Forrester

Philippa Forrester

On the Trail of Wolves

A British Adventure in the Wild West. 1. Auflage. Ebook (PDF). Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 16.
pdf eBook , 272 Seiten
ISBN 1472972066
EAN 9781472972064
Veröffentlicht Mai 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury Wildlife

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A chance to move to the US Wild West allows TV presenter Philippa Forrester to fulfil a lifelong dream of living among and learning all she can about wolves
When Philippa Forrester and her nature-loving family moved to the wilds of Grand Teton National Park, they quickly learned to love the wildlife of Wyoming and nearby Yellowstone. The sounds of wolves close to their new home fed Philippa's lifelong fascination with these remarkable animals, but nothing she had learned about wolves from her studies in the UK could have prepared her for the reality of living in wolf country. And as she and her family settled into their new wilder way of life, she discovered many locals are not excited about sharing their land with wolves.
Twenty-five years after wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park, wolf packs are spreading into areas where their protection has been removed by the American administration. Without that protection, what is the future for wolves where many people resent that they were ever here at all?
In On the Trail of Wolves, Philippa vividly recounts her adventures living among the grizzlies, elk and wolves in her new home in America's Wild West and chronicles her journeys further from home to talk to conservationists, rangers, hunters and ranch owners to investigate when and why opinions on wolves became so polarised.


Philippa Forrester's broadcasting career spans three decades of primetime TV including Robot Wars and Tomorrow's World. With her husband, she has also written and produced a string of award-winning science and nature documentaries for the BBC, Animal Planet and Discovery. Philippa has published three books and has degrees in English literature and Ecology and Conservation.
For six years, Philippa lived and worked in Wyoming encountering wolves, grizzly bears, moose and the odd cowboy. She returned to live in the UK in the summer of 2020. Back home, she is rediscovering her own patch of wilderness and the joys of the English countryside, especially her favourite wild animal: otters.


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