Piotr Jakubowski

Klimat Ziemi

Jego kosmiczna teoria, rekonstrukcja i przewidywanie. 3. Auflage. Paperback. Sprache: Polnisch.
kartoniert , 112 Seiten
ISBN 3758372232
EAN 9783758372230
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller BoD - Books on Demand
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Piotr Jakubowski is a physicist and universal philosopher who has extended his Unified Physics to a Unified Description of the entire Universe, including life and human consciousness. The Universe formula he discovered will fundamentally change all natural sciences and the technologies based on them. The Model-Naturics of the Earth's climate is the only such model based on the embedding of the Solar System in its vast Cosmic Hierarchy. Reconstructing and predicting changes in the global climate over millennia is possible and reliable. The consequences of calculated changes for us humans in the near and distant future are severe.


Piotr Jakubowski is a physicist and universal philosopher who has extended his Unified Physics to a Unified Description of the entire Universe, including life and human consciousness. The Universe formula he discovered will fundamentally change all natural sciences and the technologies based on them. The Model-Naturics of the Earth's climate is the only such model based on the embedding of the Solar System in its vast Cosmic Hierarchy. Reconstructing and predicting changes in the global climate over millennia is possible and reliable. The consequences of calculated changes for us humans in the near and distant future are severe.

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