Preben Grønkjær

Jung's Typology in Work Processes

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1311487700
EAN 9781311487704
Veröffentlicht April 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Preben Grønkjær
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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I publish this free e-book because I have often heard people say, when working with individuals and groups in workplaces, "That's so exciting with typology, but I can't really remember what the different letters stand for."
Thus, the purpose of the book is to give a very brief description of the typological functions and attitudes, so you can use it in a follow-up on a previous process with typology and get a brush-up on what the letters in your type profile represent.
The theoretical basis of the presentation is C.G. Jung's type theory as it is implemented in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Its model of 16 type profiles is used by a number of other type-assessment tools, including Jungian Type Index (JTI).
You can use the book in your own reflections, and you can hand it out to, for example, customers, employees, colleagues, or students interested in typology in relation to their task solution.
As the descriptions focus on how the typological mechanisms affect work processes, they are obviously most relevant in relation to your performance in workplaces, in voluntary organizations, in schools, and in other places where you solve tasks on your own or in cooperation with others.
The book is based on the fundamental elements of typology: extraversion, introversion, sensation, intuition, thinking, feeling, judging, and perception, so it may also serve as a first introduction to the topic.
Since it is an e-book, you can easily navigate through it using the table of contents. Therefore, you may use it as a handbook on your smartphone, tablet, or PC if you need a quick introduction to or brush-up on a typological concept.
Along the way, I invite you to reflect on and assess your own preferences in connection with the solution of tasks.
The descriptions are presented in general terms, so they should cover any type of work, including, for example, industrial production and public services, research and study projects, nursing and medical treatment, management and consultancy, farming and fishing, and artistic and other creative processes. This requires that you "translate" the descriptions to match your own job context or the field of your profession.
Since typology is about preferences, you cannot use its concepts directly when you apply for a specific job, choose a certain career, or recruit employees to carry out particular functions because doing a job is mainly a question about skills.
Still, typology can be used helpfully in reflections on which job functions would suit you best, as well as in a dialogue about how tasks are handled in your group, team, department, or organization—in connection with a specific assignment or in general.


Preben Grønkjær holds a degree as (magister artium in History of Ideas from Aarhus University, Denmark) and certifications in the use of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI, MBTI II), Jungian Type Index (JTI), and Teamkompasset (The Team Compass). Preben has lectured in Jung's psychology, including typology, for 35 years at Aarhus University, Folkeuniversitetet (University of Continuing Education), and other educational institutions in DK. He is now also an organizational consultant and coach (trained Ashridge Accredited Executive Business Coach). Preben has published several books and articles in Danish, based on experiences working as a coach and consultant.

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